Sunday, May 13, 2012

Android: "Damaged SD card", how i lost my data but reclaimed my SD card (needs root)

Firstly: If you have this problem, contact your retailer or service point!

The story/instructions below are totally unsupported and requires expert knowledge!

My SD card was "damaged" according to Android (4.0.4) running on a HTC Desire S.
Mounting it from the Android menus didn't work at all. Since I didn't care about the data on the SD card I tried to reformat it from Linux but failed. This is how I managed to get the card to work again (though with my data LOST).

The instructions below erases ALL data on our SD card. I am not responsible for loss of data or any other damage to your Phone or SD card!

My phone was using a pre-rooted version of Android with busybox installed, and this is considered a requirement to do the steps below.

* Connect your phone to your computer using Android Debug Bridge (adb) from the Android SDK
* Find out which volume that is representing our SD card by starting logcat (adb logcat) and look at the screen printout while clicking on "Mount SD card" in the "Storage" menu on your Android phone. On mine it was /dev/block/vold/179:65
* Start an adb shell, (adb shell)
* Run fsck on your disk: fsck_msdos /dev/block/vold/179\:65
* Fsck will probably report errors, mine reported exit code 8. If fsck asks if it can try to repair you could try that, it didn't work for me though.
* If the fsck repair failed we are now sure that the card is not possible to rescue. Let's reformat.
* Still in the adb shell, run: mkfs.vfat /dev/block/vold/179\:65 (replace the device name with the name corresponding to your device from previous steps)
* mkfs doesn't output anything if it completed successfully. To make sure our volume/disk/card is OK we run fsck_msdos again fsck_msdos /dev/block/vold/179\:65
* fsck_msdos should report no errors
* Trying to remount the card again in Android should now hopefully work: Settings->Storage->Mount SD card

Again: These steps will erase your SD card completely and all your data will be LOST! I am not responsible for any data loss or damaged cards/phones! The methods above are totally unsupported and if in doubt, contact your retailer or service point!