Thursday, July 7, 2011

Android: Replacing keyboard

When trying to replace the current keyboard on an Android installation, don't forget to push the lib file related to the keyboard.
Example (Replacing the "Gingerbread" keyboard in the Ginger Stir Fry ROM with the CM7 keyboard):
* adb shell rm /system/app/LatinIME.apk
* adb shell rm /system/lib/
* adb uninstall

Installing (current directory has the CM7 keyboard files)
* adb install LatinIME.apk
* adb push /system/lib/

Note! If you have problems with remount, that is; you can perform the remount command but while trying to remove a file the system says the file-system is read-only. Try to enable and disable "Debugging" on the phone a couple of times and then try to remount and remove again.